Tomorrow is Friday...week one down!
Just a quick post as I seemed to sign out on a negative note last time... apologies! Tuesday, and Wednesday were hard days. In fact so was today, but I'm getting there. David suggested this year might be easier than last... mmmm at present I am really doubting that!! I had been very worried about teaching higher (I have five certificate classes which scares me immensely!) but I had my higher class today for a double period and I actually enjoyed it. It was so nice to have kids sitting there who wanted to be there and were actually enjoying it! (Sounds like im used to kids hating my subject and not enjoying my lessons!) I dont mean that, but at my previous school, pupils were extremely unmotivated and getting a lot of them through higher was difficult. I had bad memories of the higher classes I co-op taught ad this was blighting my view of my own higher class. I hope the pupils' enthusiasm isn't just a first week back phase!! Anyway... tomorrow is Friday! Still feeling like I know no-one in the school, and it is so strange moving from knowing everyone and feeling comfortable to a place where you feel quite isolated! I sympathise with the first years! until next time...